A beautiful start to our stay in Rome was attending the Angelus on Sunday afternoon. As we walked, the Vatican Dumo was visible, leading the way. Promptly at noon Pope Francis addressed the crowds that had gathered from all parts of the world, with a cheerful Buongiorno, buona Domenica (Good Sunday)! The Angelus is a special prayer that can be said three times a day, at 6:00 am, noon, and 6:00pm. On Sunday Pope Francis leads this prayer and also shares a message which is traditionally based on the Gospel of the day. Pope Francis reminded us today, just as Jesus spoke to his disciples, to have no fear. We are encouraged to be mindful of our priorities, spending time in prayer, caring for others, valuing the life given to us by God. We are to remember how precious we are to God, and as Pope Francis stated we should only be afraid of wasting our “existence in the pursuit of trivial things that do not fill life with meaning”. So, when we are faced with challenges, become unpopular because our opinions and actions follow the Gospel teachings, we need to recall Jesus’ message and be fearless. For myself this message is timely, as I venture further into my theological studies which have now taken me to Rome, I continue on this path perhaps not fearless but doing it afraid, placing my trust in God. Melinda
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