The story of Christianity is awe-inspiring. This is true whether you are a believer or not. Within 50 years of the physical death of Christ, 12 believers had directly and indirectly converted thousands to the new faith. Within 300 years, they had converted an empire. This tour begins at the walls of Rome within sight of St. John Lateran where we get our ride to the countryside of Rome. Making our way outside the walls, the city changes to country quickly. The Roman countryside is quite beautiful. The hills begin to roll and the gated villas extend to farms of vegetables, rose hips, or barley. The air cleaner and the sound clearer. Flavia Domitilla was the granddaughter of the emperor Vespasian. As daughter of Domitilla "the Younger", Flavia was also the niece of the emperors Titus and Domitian. These catacombs were founded on her property in about the year 120 A.D. Flavia and her husband, Flavius Clemens, were likely ...
Santa Maria in Tranpontina My final day in Rome was made extra special as there was an event to celebrate the feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. This is my “Saint Day” or in Italian “Onomastico”. Traditionally in the Italian culture a feast day is commemorated with a special meal and perhaps even a small gift, similar to a birthday. Each calendar day has multiple saints assigned, as the Church has far more than 365 saints. The feast day can be selected based on the death of the saint, when that is unknown a day is selected by the Church, as is the case with St. John Paul. His feast day is observed on October 22, which is the day of his Papal Inauguration, rather than the day of his death, April 2, which can fall during the season of Lent. Alter of Santa Maria in Tranpontina Some saints will have a novena prayed in the nine days leading up to their feast day. This is the case for Our Lady of Mount Carmel. In preparation for the observance petitions are made to the saint asking t...